This program allows you to create records of both simple and complex (mixed) inks. You can
also store the formulae of complex inks, which you will find especially useful when it comes to job
costing. Some printers regard ink as a 'consumable' and do not record usage of it: if this applies
to you, you can safely ignore this program, but otherwise you will need to define inks in order to
record their use in job costing or shop floor data capture , but they are not required for estimating.
You can also make them into 'controlled stock' - so that
their stock level can be monitored and
they can be re-ordered through the system.
Reference: a reference number or mnemonic assigned by you to any ink, simple or complex.
Name: this is your full description of a color of ink, either simple or complex.
Ink type: this allows you to choose whether the ink you wish to enter is 'simple' (bought as it is,
and needing no mixing), or 'complex' (comprising 2 or more simple inks). If you select 'complex'
you will see a different screen (see complex inks).
Supplier: is the default supplier for this ink.
Stock reference: is the identifier you wish to use for this ink in the stock control system. If you
don't wish to treat this as a controlled item then leave this blank.
Price: This is the price (per lb if not metric, otherwise per) of a simple ink.
Location: Optional reminder (if required) of where this ink is kept. This is a 4 digit code.
Current level: How many units you have in stock. You can't change this value here, as this is
controlled by the movements program.
On order: How many (lb if not metric, otherwise kg) units are currently on order. You can check
the details of those orders by selecting this ink in controlled stocks,
and selecting the 'orders'
option. You can't change this value here, as this is controlled by the movements
program and the purchase order system.
Reserved: How many units are reserved to be used on jobs. You can check which jobs they are
and see the quantities required on each by selecting this item in controlled stocks,
and selecting
the 'jobs' option. You can't change this value here, as this is controlled by the job desktop,
creates the reservation as the job is confirmed, and allows
you to maintain the reservation
through the committals tab.
Free stock: is the stock on hand, plus any on order, less any reservations. This field is not
Max stock level: (for controlled stock) if the free stock level falls below the minimum level, then
the re-orders list will automatically suggest that it
is replenished to this maximum stock level.
Min Stock level: (for controlled stock) if the free stock level falls below this minimum level, then
the re-orders list will automatically suggest that it
is replenished to the maximum stock level.
Purchase multiple: Ink may be purchase in small or large amounts. Specify here the smallest
unit it is possible to buy. The quantity ordered will be rounded up to this a multiple of this quantity.