Welcome to PrintSum. We hope you enjoy using our system. Over the last 20 years our users have produced literally millions of estimates and jobs using
Printpak and it's their feedback rather than our interpretation of what printers need that has made
Printpak what it is. So we'd like to take this opportunity to thank them all, from one-man
copyshops to large corporations, from independents to in-house facilities, and from America to
Zambia for their loyalty and their amazing input. If this is your first encounter with Printpak, we recommend that you don't enter all your prices and
details at the outset. The system is supplied ready equipped with realistic prices and calculations.
Work through some examples, and then when you feel confident, start to add your own
modifications. You may feel daunted at first, but after a few hours it will all click into place and
you'll suddenly fell completely at home. Yes, it is a little different from other MIS packages you
may have used. We like to think it is simply better!