Controlled stock
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Controlled Stocks are defined as:

·     paper or ink which have been given stock references and

·     'other stocks' which are flagged as controlled stock.
 For those controlled items, stock levels will be maintained for you by Printpak.
In the Printpak’s stock system the concept of 'free stock' is used. 
Free stock is defined as stock on the shelf plus stock on order less stock reserved for jobs.
You can define a minimum and maximum level for each controlled stock item.  If the free stock figure of an item falls below the minimum stock level defined by you for that item, then more will need to be ordered to bring the free stock up to the maximum stock level defined for the item.
For many printers, especially where same-day deliveries can be expected, the minimum and maximum levels will both be zero.  In other words they don't carry stock.  If they need it, the free stock will be negative, so they order enough to bring it back up to zero. This is sometimes known as ‘just-in-time’ stock control or JIT.
The re-ordering of controlled stock is most simply done through the re-orders list in the Purchase order menu, which lists all the controlled stock which needs to be re-ordered and optionally marks it for inclusion in the next purchase order print run.
Alternatively, you can order stock by highlighting it from the list of controlled stock in the Stock maintenance menu, and in the list of movements to the right of the list you will find ‘order'.
When controlled stock arrives in the factory, it should ideally be booked in (in the list of movements you will also see ‘receive').