Continuous paper
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Continuous stock refers to paper costed per 1000 square metres.  This is usually slitted and converted. This classification is not in use in non-metric systems,  where all reel fed paper is treated as 'Web '.


The table shows a scrollable summary of individual paper lines (i.e. combinations of weights and sizes)  of this type  for this paper or board.  You can add, edit or delete a chosen line using the three buttons at the foot of the screen:


This is the screen for entering or editing a paper line of this type:


Weight: The weight or thickness of this item.

Size: The name of the size of this item .

Dimensions: The actual width of the reel in mm  of the size.

Metres per reel:  How long is each reel?

Cost per 100 sq.m: The price that your supplier charges.

Last change: The date this price was last updated.

Is this a stock item:  If this is one of your usual stocks, you will want to charge the actual amount used, otherwise you might want to round up to the nearest whole reel.  You can always override this at calculation time.

Stock reference:  If you enter a stock reference here, this item becomes a controlled stock item. This means that the system will keep track of usage for you.

Location:  Optional reminder (if required) of where this item is kept.  This is a 4 digit code.

Current level:  (for controlled stock) How many metres you have in stock.  You can't change this value here, as this is controlled by the movements program.

On order: (for controlled stock) How many metres are currently on order.  You can check the details of those orders by selecting this item in controlled stocks, and selecting the 'orders' option. You can't change this value here, as this is controlled by the movements program and the purchase order system.

Reserved: (for controlled stock) How many metres are reserved to be used on jobs. You can check which jobs they are and see the quantities required on each by selecting this item in controlled stocks, and selecting the 'jobs' option. You can't change this value here, as this is controlled by the job desktop, which creates the reservation as the job is confirmed, and allows you to maintain the reservation through the committals tab.

Free stock: (for controlled stock) is the stock on hand, plus any on order, less any reservations. This field is not editable.

Last issue date:  The date that this stock item was last issued to a job, either through movements or via job costing or shop floor data collection.  This field is not editable.

Max stock level:  (for controlled stock) If the free stock level falls below the minimum level, then the re-orders list will automatically suggest that it is replenished to this maximum stock level.

Min Stock level: (for controlled stock) If the free stock level falls below this minimum level, then the re-orders list will automatically suggest that it is replenished to the maximum stock level.

Stock costs: (for controlled stock) This button gives access to a brief report showing you the current value of your stock, taking into account the fact that different batches may have been bought at different times at different costs, and that some batches may not yet have been invoiced yet.  For more information on the value of your stock, see the stock valuation report