Entered paper
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You can use this screen if you simply want to enter the costs rather than calculating them.

If the job has already been calculated, this window should contain data from that calculation.

External cost: How much you are being charged for the paper.  If you have just switched from a calculated paper screen, this will be the total cost less the default paper markup.

External cost +1000:    How much your external supplier would charge you for the paper to produce an extra 1000 copies.  Note that this is not the cost of an extra 1000 sheets!   Again if you switch from calculated to entered cost, this will default to the calculated run-on figure less the default paper markup.

+ Markup %: The percentage to be added to the external cost to allow for a the paper's share of the indirect costs of your organization.  Usually this will be around 30%, but the exact figure depends on the ratio of your indirect costs to the direct costs of your business. You can think of this as a contribution to your fixed overhead.  This figure defaults to the default paper markup percentage, which you can set in System Configuration.

Total cost: This is the total (pre profit) figure for the paper part of this component, including an allowance for this task's contribution to overhead (the paper markup).

Total cost +1000: The true cost, including the paper markup, of the paper to supply an extra 1000 copies.