Paper calculation
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If you have selected 'calculations' for paper the screen will look like this:-


Name:- The paper name is a generic term comprising all available weights and sizes for that name.  Pressing the graphicbutton next to it gives you a material selection screen similar to that shown when you create a new job.   You can even add a new paper or weight through that screen.  The screen behaves a little differently, though, when you are creating a job containing multiple copy parts.  In this case this button will let you select successive papers until you have specified the papers for each part.  Alternatively if, say, you have a 3 part set to print and you have a pre-collated paper set of 3 parts, created in Paper and Board in the Stock menu, selecting that pre-collated set will satisfy the requirement as completely as selecting 3 individual papers.

Supplier:- This is the default supplier for this paper.  You can set this up in Paper and Board.

Weight:- You can drop down here a list of the available paper weights (or thicknesses) for this paper name and choose the one you want.  The 'New' button allows you to add a new weight.

Size:-  This is a drop-down of all the available sizes in your chosen weight of this paper. Normally Printpak will select the most cost-effective size for you.  If, however, you want to fix on a particular size, just select one in this way.  You should see graphic to indicate that it is locked, and the system will recalculate the job, using this size.  The only way to unlock it is to reselect the name of the paper and start again.

Layout:- a brief indication of how many pages you get out of each sheet (or for continuous and web work, out of each cut-off).

Grain: - the grain direction of the paper, relative to the individual page, for the chosen method of working.  If this is wrong for you (e.g. you want to make sure that the grain of a heavy paper is running the correct way so it can be folded without splitting) then change the grain alignment in the details window.

Cost:- is the cost per unit of this paper. The figure quoted is whatever you entered when setting up or amending the paper and board file.  You can overwrite it here, and if you do you will be asked whether you want to to save the new price in the papers file, or whether this is a on-off or 'spot purchase' price. 

Runup:- is the number of sheets required for the run-up on this job (i.e. to get the ink flowing properly on the press). For most digital presses this should be zero.

Wastage%:- is often a surprisingly high figure, especially for short runs.  It is the percentage of the paper required for this job component which doesn't finish up as part of the finished item.  I.e. you throw away any runup sheets and any run waste ('overrun') copies, and then you might cut the run sheets themselves and discard the grip, tail, bleed and other areas.  The total amount thrown away like this is the run waste, and the wastage percent is this expressed as a percentage of the total required paper.

Quantity required:- The number of sheets or cut-offs required in all for this component of the job. 

Supplied:- This shows the packing quantity, or, for continuous paper, the reel length.  For web work, this is not shown.

Round quantity up to whole packs:- If this is a regularly used stock item, you will have specified when setting up this paper that you want to cost the precise quantity used.  Otherwise if it is rarely used and will have to be be specially bought-in for this job, you will want to charge for whole packs only.  This check box indicates which you have chosen for this particular paper.  You can override it at run-time, but if you do you will have to further define your choice:  you can either override the setting for this particular size of this weight this paper, or override the setting for all sizes of this weight of this paper.

Markup:- The precise meaning of this field is often misunderstood.  In an absorption costing model, each constituent part of a job carries part of the cost of your fixed overheads.  This paper markup percentage, which you can set yourself in system configuration, is the contribution which the paper makes to paying for the fixed overhead.  It should usually be around 30%, depending on how lean your business is.  If you are using the system as it is intended it should NOT be simply 'an allowance for the cost of stocking and handling'.  If you don't specify an individual markup for the paper when you first set it up (i.e. you leave it zero), the system will use the default.  If you choose to specify a figure when setting up the paper (maybe because you have obtained a good price and can therefore get away with a larger markup) then that figure will appear here.  However, you should be aware that in that case the end markup of the job will not contain a true profit figure, as extra profit (or loss) will be concealed in the paper markup.

Total Cost:- The cost including markup for paper.