Extra Tasks: - A useful feature of Printpak is “ghosting”. This is the ability to ignore
the costs of
specified finishing operations when one press is compared with another in calculations.
For example, a press may be capable of numbering on-line. If it is compared with a larger press
in a short run job, its numbering capability must be considered as an advantage – it's not
necessary to number off-line, and the cost is “ghosted” (i.e. temporarily removed). In a longer
run, the non-numbering press may well be the most efficient for that quantity – then the off-line
numbering cost must be put back (“un-ghosted”) and added properly into the costs of the job.
Many presses have the capability of performing such extra tasks in-line with minimum extra cost.
Clicking the Extra Tasks tab in the press screen gives the following:
For each of up to 4 tasks, choose the task and the average setup time. When calculating a
quote using that press, any costs associated with the chosen task(s) will be 'ghosted' (i.e.
treated as free of charge) and the setup time will be added to the setup time for that press.