Other machines
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This program in the Resource management section allows you to specify the cost characteristics of your 'other' machines (i.e. not presses), to arrive at an hourly cost rate for each.  This lets you cost each session of this machine and apply that cost to the job for which it was employed.


Machine name:  the name by which you know this machine.

Identification code: a single digit reference code for the machine. This will enable quick selection via menus in job costing.

Budgeted cost per month: the cost of running this machine in the average month.  You should include here ALL the costs you can justify.  Include also the absorbed cost figure, but please read the article on job costing - setting up first.  If you have more than one machine with this description, there is nothing to stop you from aggregating their costs together into a single record, as long as you also aggregate their hours per month.

Absorbed cost: this is the monthly contribution this machine makes to your fixed overhead as described in job costing - setting up If you want to calculate absorbed costs manually for any reason, you can enter them here, but remember to adjust the cost per month accordingly. You may well be better advised to ignore this field and allow the cost absorption program to assign it for you.

Estimated chargeable hours per month:  your estimate of how many hours you will be able to charge this machine out to customers in the average month.  If the budgeted cost per month includes more than one machine, then this should be the sum of their estimated monthly hours.

Budgeted cost per hour: is worked out automatically by dividing the budgeted cost per month by the chargeable hours per month.  If we charge this figure to the customer(s) for each of the estimated hours each month, we will have recovered the total required to pay for the machine and for its contribution to your fixed overhead (the absorbed cost).

Tasks: you can define here which tasks this machine can be used for (press the '...' buttonto make your selection).  Selecting a task here means that this machine is suggested in shop floor data capture and in job costing as a possible machine for that task.

Show usage: this button will give a searchable list of the jobs on which this machine has been employed. For fuller resource usage reporting, see the resource usage report in the main menu.