First let's clear up a possible misunderstanding. All too often we hear novice users say 'But we
don't necessarily want a job - we just want an estimate' or its opposite 'But we don't need the
estimate - we just want to define the job'.
What we'd like to stress here is that whether or not a job is confirmed, produced, or even
invoiced, it is still a job! An estimate is actually the estimated price of a possible future job - in
other words its an unconfirmed job. And yes, we do need to specify the job in detail even if we
aren't currently concerned with the price. That way the system knows enough about the job to
produce the necessary documentation and to help you to analyse your work.
A job can consist of several component parts (i.e. cover, colour pages, text pages etc), but you
must start by defining the first part. Then you have the opportunity to add more parts.
Each part can have its own text, for internal use only - i.e. the customer doesn't get to see it.
The job itself has a single header, which contains its own text, which will appear on the quotation,
invoice etc. The header also carries such information as the job number, the required date etc.