User preferences
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These selections depend on personal taste and are to do with the appearance and functioning of the Printpak system.

Load home page on startup:  This refers to the home page that appears by default every time you start a new system.

Use enhanced interface:  We very strongly suggest that you use the enhanced interface rather than the original 'classic' interface which is now deprecated and will exhibit recent changes.

If you are still using the classic interface:

Start the first program when you click on a menu item:  If checked, this makes sure that the first program in any selection is automatically mounted..

Show tabs in main menu: If this is selected the different open screens appear as tabs, so you can see what windows are currently open.  The alternative to this is without tabs, in which case to scroll through the list of open windows using the arrows at the top right hand of the main screen.  It is probably easier to control the number of windows open if you can see the tabs, but this is a matter of choice.

Enable auto scaling of screens: this switch enables more efficient screen handling for larger screens.

Turn off parallel processing: Some older systems may have problems with parallel processing.

Job filtering:  By excluding jobs before a certain date, you can speed up the job management screen when it is trying to retrieve 'all jobs'.  You can always get them back again by disabling this filter.