Text for part
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Description:  You should enter here the descriptions for this component of your job. This will appear on the jobsheet for the shopfloor to see, but will not appear on any customer documentation (estimates, invoices etc).  You can decide how many sections to divide your descriptions into by using "Text Subtitles" in System Maintenance.  The same section descriptions will also apply to the description of the main job which appears in estimates, invoices etc.

If what you want to type in a section will take more room than is available on the line, just click on the "..." button at the end of the line, and you will be presented with a full screen in which to enter the section.  This will also include a button to enable the quick entering of standard text 'snippets'. 

Copy component text to job: If you check this text box, the text entered here will be automatically copied to the main job text to save you typing it again.  For simple jobs you will often find that one set of text will be sufficient to describe not only the part but the job itself.

Text snippets: Pressing ‘text snippets’ brings up a new window containing standard phrases (or ‘snippets’) which can be automatically pasted into your text.  The short cut for this is Alt and T, and the selection of the snippet required is a single keystroke. In this way just 3 key depressions can avoid excess typing.  You can easily add and maintain your own snippets, and you can have a different set of standard phrase snippets for each text item.

Press Next to choose the press(es).