This screen allows you to change the description assigned to individual status codes. These
re[resent the stage that the job has reached.
Printpak automatically updates the statuses of jobs for you when you save the details of a job or
save the changes to a job. If you print out a quotation, then the status of the job changes from 1
(Initial Calculation) to 2 (Quoted in Writing).
On confirmation it changes to 3. It may then be processed through production (changing to
status 4 when it reaches the Print room). There are suffixes to denote the precise stage. On
completion it becomes '5 ', and when invoiced '6 '
The Status Codes used are as follows:-
1. Initial Calculation
2. Quoted in Writing
3. Order Confirmed
A Typeset/Artwork
B Artwork Approval
C Camera/plate
D Proof Approval
4. A Released to Printroom
B Materials in stock
C Print run completed
D Bindery
E Ready for delivery
5. Job Delivered (Not Invoiced)
6. Job Invoiced
You can change the descriptions associated with status codes 3A through 4E. Bear in mind that
although the descriptions may be changed, status 4 jobs are regarded by the schedule prints as
having been released to the print-room.
These status codes are also used as stages for target dating and scheduling.