Select Customer
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This frame is to do with who the job is for.

Customer: Here you can choose from a list of existing customers, or if it is a new customer, set one up by clicking on “Add Customer”.

Branch: Each customer record can have branches in addition to “head office”.  Typically these branches will order and receive print jobs, but you should note that the invoice always goes to the head office.  So in the case where a company has several billing addresses, you should create separate customer records for each.  You can select an existing branch (if any) or create a new branch for your chosen customer by clicking on the “Add Branch” button.

Contact name: This is the name of the person within the customer's organization who will be dealing with this job.  Any default contact for this customer will be suggested, but you can change the contact for this job without affecting the customer record.

Next we define the component part(s) of the job.