Maintain fixed price jobs
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This program allows you to set up details of the jobs you have on your own counter price list, and to relate them to specific Quick Quotes on the Printpak database.

Each job set is constructed in the following form:


PLease note: it is IMPORTANT that you fill all columns in this screen.]
Title: The short title of your fixed price job.

Description: The full description of the Fixed Price job. It is shown for verification on your screen as you construct a Fixed Price job.

Printed on:  You can specify if required 2 sets of prices, for single sided and double sided printing.

Pricing quantities: These are the different quantities for which you are defining this particular fixed price job. At run-time, if a quantity is required which lies between two prices the price will be interpolated. If a quantity less than the smallest quantity is required, then the price for the smallest quantity is used as a minimum.  If a quantity larger than the largest quoted quantity is required then the run-on per 1000 price is used to construct a price

Line descriptions: You can have up to 5 variations within each job, in both single and double sided.

Line prices:  These are the fixed prices corresponding to the quantities you specify.

Corresponding Quick Quote:  Pressing the graphic under each line allows you to select the quick quote which will be used in the construction of this job. Note that only standard quick quotes (red, or read and blue dogs) can be used for this purpose.