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This screen lets you issue stock to a job (or for general use).

Quantity: is the number of this item required
Job number: is the job to which you are issuing it.  If no job is involved (e.g. you could be issuing wipes to clear a spillage) just leave this blank.
For: will display the customer for your information
Other information: is to record any other data associated with this issue

On pressing OK, if the system was not expecting you to have used this item, the system will ask you to which task you want it applied. This is for data analysis purposes.

This is one of four ways to issue stock in the system.  They are:
·     This way (i.e. through stock movements).
·     Through shop floor data capture, where the operative can record the stock he has used.
·     Through job costing - if you record stock usage through job costing, it in effect makes an 'issue'.
·     (For the lazy printer!) If a job is delivered with no controllable stock having been issued to it, the assumption is then made by Printpak (with your agreement) that the stock earmarked for the job was actually used!  This creates the necessary issue. N.B. if you use this method, please be aware that for safety's sake you may have to do more 'stock takes' to re-validate the system.