Lines within a task can be collected into groups, and a decision about which line in the group is to
be used can be made by the calculation process when selecting rival production methodologies.
In effect this provides the functionality which most other systems provide only at the expense of
bespoke programming.
The actual group structure looks daunting, but is in fact very simple to use:
In this example, at the top we have
Pro-rata to: This is because each line in a group has to have the same pro-rata - they must by
definition all be the same sort of thing, after all. In fact, when a task list line is in a group you
won't be able to change its pro-rata type independently - it has to be done through the group.
Next we have a series of conditions. You can add or subtract conditions by pressing the More
options and Fewer options buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Each condition can have either one or two lines - you can add a line by pressing a + button at the
end of the row, and subtract a line by pressing a - button at the end of the row. If there are two
lines in the condition, they are joined by an 'and' or and 'or'.
During a calculation, each condition will be evaluated in turn, and if found to be true, the line in
the corresponding 'Use' box will be chosen. If not true, it falls through to the next condition.
If all the conditions are found to be false, the 'Otherwise use' line is chosen.
There must be a line for each condition, and also an 'otherwise' line, and you can't have the same
list line appearing for two conditions (or for that matter in two groups).