Finishing supplementaries
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Finishing combinations tend to be more complex than origination combinations, and in some respects resemble a simple calculation.  You can specify a setup, a run per 1000 (perhaps per 1000 per something) and an optional setup per something.

Description:  This is the description which will appear in the pricing wizard.

Corresponding Printpak task: The task which this combination falls into.

Price (fixed price quotes): For fixed price quoting, the price you wish to charge for this combination.

Printpak list line: The list line to be pasted into the quote.

List quantity: The quantity required of this line (see Combinations for the assumptions made).

Per:  the name of an additional multiplicand if required

Mimi mum:  A minimum  charge for this item (for on-line style quoting).

Usage:  Whether for fixed price quoting, On-line style quoting, or both

Type: (for on-line only)  - is this part-wize, or for the whole job, or for the last part only?