This screen is shown when you deliver a job, in which you can enter the details for the delivery.
Deliver to: Here you select the customer's address where you want the job to be delivered. If it is
a new address you can set it up by pressing 'New...'. This is the address that will be printed on
the delivery note.
Quantity this delivery: Enter the quantity you are now delivering. The system will keep track of
how many are still outstanding.
Number of Boxes: If you enter the number of boxes the system, can put this information on the
delivery note. The '>>' button takes you to a pop-up window where you can specify additional
text to appear on the box labels - for instance, for numbered tickets you might want a label for box
1 which says 'Tickets 1 to 1499'. and box 2 might say 'Tickets 1500 to 2999'.
Is the order now fulfilled: A tick in this box will mean that the job is now removed from 'live
Deliver to stock: This tick box should only be enabled if the customer has been set up to use
the on-line finished stock service.
Number of prints required: Here you enter the number of delivery notes, reorder slips and
labels per box you require (if any). Reorder slips are those slips of paper you put towards the end
of the box which say something like 'You are nearing the end of this box. To order more, please
call 123 456789 quoting reference.....' etc. The system should remember how many of each of
these items you normally require.
Next contact date: The next contact date is part of the CRM facility within Printpak. If you enter
a date here, you will be reminded to call the customer on that date.
Pressing OK will update the job status as appropriate, and launch the forms program to produce
the necessary forms and labels.