There are several ways to produce a new job or estimate. All are pretty quick, but some are
quicker than others.
If you select "Jobs and Estimates" on the left of the menu you will see at the bottom left hand of
the main pane a button. Clicking it reveals:
·Job or Estimate allows you to create
the new job from scratch - this is sometimes known as
a "full" quote.
· You can create a new job directly from a "Quick Quote".
This is the quickest way to specify a
job. A Quick Quote is a template which includes the basic parameters that specify the
requirements for a job or part of a job, but doesn't actually fix the production methodology.
For this you need to have set up some Quick Quotes.
· If you have contractual prices with any of your suppliers, or if you maintain a counter price list
you can use a Fixed price job. This uses "Quick
Quote" templates (see below) and other
data to ensure that you arrive at the correct contractual price, while optimizing the production
What all these methods have in common is that they are all accessed through simple-to-use
'wizards', and all of them finish with the jobs desktop on your screen ready for further
manipulation. A 'wizard' is a program in which you answer the questions on a succession of
screen frames to achieve a result. Most frames will have a “Next” button to take you to the next
frame, a “Previous” button to return to the preceding frame, and a “Cancel” button in case you
want to forget the whole thing.