Using a Quick Quote
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Clicking on "New Quick Quote" undoubtedly gives the fastest route to calculating a simple job. As for a full quote it uses a 'wizard' approach but it is a far simpler wizard.  This first frame contains:

Part (component) category: This is a drop-down list of component categories for you to choose from. You should consider the first component of this job - to which category of component does it belong?  This list may be changed or added to by selecting Categories in the System Configuration program of System Maintenance. You will find categories useful when analyzing your company's sales. The only categories you will see here are those categories for Quick Quotes exist.

Example:- This drop-down list lets you select the Quick Quote you wish to use in constructing this part of the job.  This list will only contain the standard (red dogs and red/blue dog) Quick Quote jobs within your chosen category.  Selecting a Quick Quote copies the details of the job for you.  In this case you should see the following screens already populated - you only have to make your own amendments!

Quantity Required is all that is now required for PrintSum to take care of the rest of the calculation.  It already has enough data in the Quick Quote itself to define everything else it needs. 

You can set up your own Quick Quote templates to reflect the way you work.

The second screen in the wizard invites you to choose the customer and branch (if any) for this job, and should then show you the default contact name for the customer.

Customer:- Here you can choose from a list of existing customers, or if it is a new customer, set one up by clicking on “Add Customer”.

Branch:- Each customer record can have branches in addition to “head office”.  Typically these branches will order and receive print jobs, but you should note that the invoice always goes to the head office.  So in the case where a company has several billing addresses, you should create separate customer records for each.  You can select an existing branch (if any) or create a new branch for your chosen customer by clicking on the “Add Branch” button.

Contact name:- This is the name of the person within the customer's organization who will be dealing with this job.  Any default contact for this customer will be suggested, but you can change the contact for this job without affecting the customer record.

Pressing "Calculate" calculates the job and takes you to the Jobs desktop.