The header screen contains the data that will be used in constructing your printed quotation,
invoice and other documentation.
In the case of a 'Quick Quote' template, the header will (slightly confusingly) resemble the
components tab (q.v.). This is because a Quick Quote template has no real header of its own. Customer: This is the customer (and branch, if any) you chose for this job. Clicking on the
after the name reveals more details about the customer. If the customer has credit problems,
there will be a message along the bottom of the header tab saying "Customer for this job has
credit problems", unless the customer is present, when it will simply say "Please check
configuration of the job".
Contact name: This is the name of the contact to whom the correspondence for this job is
Job title: This brief description is useful to identify a job. It doesn't have to be unique.
Salesman: This drop-down allows you to specify the salesman who sold the job, so that the
turnover, profit and added value for which he or she is responsible can be accrued.
Required date: The date the job is required to be delivered (if it has been confirmed).
Tax code: This is the tax code letter for the tax to be applied to the job (as set up in
the Local
data pane of System configuration).
Status: This is the status of the job. If the job has more than one component part,
each part will
have its own status during the production phase. For instance you could have printed the cover
for a job while you are still doing the artwork for the text. The job status is therefore equal to the
lowest (i.e.hindmost) of all the parts. At There are 6 basic statuses in Printpak, which are:
1 Initial calculation
2 Quoted in writing
3 Order confirmed (3A through 3D are different pre-press stages)
4 Released to printroom (4A through 4E are different production stages)
5 Delivered (5A is part delivered, 5B is fully delivered)
6 Invoiced (6A is invoiced - part delivered, 6B is invoiced - fully delivered)
Printpak automatically updates the status of a job for you when you save it. If you print out a
quotation, then the status of the job changes from 1 to 2. On confirmation it changes to 3 and
may then be processed through production (changing to status 4 when it reaches the Print room).
On completion it becomes '5 ', and when invoiced '6 '. Status descriptions for the subdivisions of
status codes 3 and 4 can be amended using the Status codes section of System configuration.
If you click on (after the status code) for a live job, you can adjust the progress
of the
different parts of the job.
Status codes 3 through 5A are considered 'live'
Quoted price: The net price that will be printed on estimates, invoices etc., after any discount.
does not include tax. If you want to change this figure, go to the Calculation tab.
No. required: This is the 'quantity' which is printed on invoices, estimates etc. It is not necessarily
the same as the quantities used for calculating the different component parts - you might for
example have an extra hundred covers for a job. If you change this quantity, you will be asked
whether you want to recalculate the job using this quantity throughout. If you say yes, the Quoted
Price of the job will change, and all subsequent documents will be affected. You won't be warned
of the change even if the job is already confirmed.
Job Category: The category of work into which job falls. This is be useful in order to classify
analyse your work in due course. Each is associated with a letter for ease of access. Categories
are set up in System configuration
Run-on per 1000: The quoted price of producing an extra 1000 copied of the job. Printpak
not recommend using this figure to calculate prices for other quantities, but suppliers it in
response to customer demand. See the separate essay on 'Why run-on and run-back aren't
Re-run: Printpak automatically calculates the charge you should make for re-running a job. This
figure includes all set-up charges, but no origination charges. For litho work, plates are assumed
to have been already paid for unless a disposable plate (plate type 3) has been been selected for
the original job, in which case the price of a new plate will be included in the re-run charge.
Job reference: You may have already entered this when you created or confirmed the estimate.
It is an optional field for your own use. You might use it for a general ledger code, or other internal
purposes. It does not have to be unique for each estimate.
Job folder: Some users like to record the whereabouts of artwork and even plates for past jobs.
This could be the name of a folder on a computer, or a physical folder. You can see from the
Customer screen which folders are associated with a particular customer, which can sometimes
help in locating old artwork etc.
Order number: This is the customer's purchase order number. Storing it may help you locate
the job, for instance when the customer telephones you.
Deposit: Here you can record any deposit received on-account from a customer. This will be
credited on the eventual invoice.
Total extras: Clicking on the figure for Total Extras takes you to an Additional Costs screen
where you can record all the extra (and chargeable) costs incurred after the original job and price
were confirmed. They will be included in the final invoice.
Description: You can record the text for inclusion in estimate, invoices etc under up to 12
different headings. You can change these headings as you like under 'Text subtitles' in System
maintenance. For a more general note on text entry and the button, see the article on Text
The text that you enter on a Quick Quote template header tab is actually stored in the component
text of the template. This is so that when you create a new Quick Quote job, or add a part to a
job using a Quick Quote template, the description of that component is there for you.
Notes: The notes you enter here are retained on the job but may not be reproduced on any client