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Printpak 5 represents a complete re-write of earlier versions of Printpak, but with the core logic retained almost in its entirety.  It has been rewritten to take account of changes in hardware, operating systems, and file storage architecture, and to take advantage of the latest presentation methods.

The result is a fully up-to-date system, which can run on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, and on 32 and 64 bit systems.  Written to run in Microsoft's DotNet framework, it is also fully future-proof.

If you are familiar with earlier versions of Printpak you will soon find your way around.  If you are new to us altogether, then welcome - we are confident you will very quickly feel at home. 

Version 5 has a new main interface, with enhanced CRM tools and a host of innovative functionality.  All the functionality of previous Printpak versions has been retained and there is a full upgrade path from any previous version.

So the answer to "What's new?" is at the same time "not a lot" and "everything"!