Job Type: The first pane in the wizard invites you to pick a job type (category). Only categories
containing fixed price reference jobs can be chosen.
Specific Job: Then you choose a specific job within that category, within which you can say (if
appropriate) whether the printing is on one side or 2 sides of the paper.
How many copies?: When you enter the quantity required, the program works out the Total
price. It does this with reference to the table set up in Maintain Fixed Price Jobs. If the quantity
required is one of the quantities for which a price is defined, it simply takes that price.
If the quantity required lies between two defined quantities, the system interpolates between the
price for the quantity below the required quantity and the price for the quantity above.
e.g. Say you want a quantity of 200, and we have prices for 100 and for 250. Say the
corresponding prices are 31.55 and 37.50. Now we know that the first 100 costs 31.55. We also
know that he could have another 150 copies (making 250 altogether) for an extra 5.95 (that is
37.50-31.55). He wants only 100 of them, so we charge an extra 5.95*100/150 =3.97. So the
total price would be 31.55+3.97 = 35.52.
If you want a quantity greater than the largest defined quantity in the table, the system uses the
price for the largest quantity and calculates the extra using the run-on price per thousand
e.g. if you want a quantity of 7500, and the largest defined quantity is 5000 with (say) a cost of
85.53. If the run-on price per 1000 is 17.15, the extra 2500 copies will cost 17.15*2500/1000 =
42.88 extra, plus the original 85.53 makes 128.41 total.
Press Next to take you to the Origination tasks pane