The purchase order task type allows you to specify the details of a purchase order that is to be
actioned when and if the job is confirmed.
Click on the drop-down to select the customer, then override the contact name if you need to.
Enter the description in the box. This will eventually appear on your printed purchase order, along
with the quantity. Enter the external cost (i.e. how much you will be charged) and (for finishing
tasks) the run-on price per thousand - i.e. how much you would be charged for enough to
produce an extra thousand finished items (be careful as this is not the price that the supplier will
charge you for an extra 1000 of whatever you are ordering here).
Select the type of purchase this is - i.e. paper, services, other goods, or deliveries. The system
will automatically apply the relevant markup and put the total in the final box.
When and if the job is confirmed, this order will appear in the committals tab of the jobs desktop,
ready for you to activate as and when required. You should note that after confirmation, adding a
purchase order in this way will not create an actual purchase order record: after confirmation this
needs to be done through the committals tab.