The date of an invoice: This is a contentious issue as it is not good practice to override the date
when producing an invoice, but there may sometimes be good reasons for it. You should by
default keep this unchecked, and set users permissions so that only an administrator can use this
program to override it.
Run waste: What standard percentage overrun do you want to allow for litho printing wastage?
You can alternatively set up a more sophisticated solution by clicking and setting up an
overrun table, for which please see the next article.
Rounding: If this system is set up to provide money expressed with 2 places after the decimal
point (such as Dollars or Pounds Sterling) then checking this box will make sure that your
estimates will be rounded to the nearest whole number before any discount or tax (because
typically the customer will expect to see every penny of his discount!) If the system is set up for
currencies where there are no decimal points then checking the box will round to the nearest 100.
Franchise rate: What percentage do you want to add, if any, to the price of each job to allow for
commission (i.e. to be paid directly to a third party.)? N.B. If you specify a figure here zero here
you will not be able to use discounts, This is considered to be an external cost, and will not
contribute to added value.
Change invoiced job: Like the ability to change the date of an invoice, this is a contentious
issue. It is not good practice to change the job after it has been invoiced, and for that reason we
recommend that should by default keep this unchecked, and set users permissions so that only
an administrator can use this program to override it.
One digital make-ready: By default the system allows a make-ready charge for each
original in a digital run. You may prefer to allow always a single make-ready charge no
matter how many originals, in which case you should check this box