This program allows you to import paper prices from catalogue files provided by your suppliers.
If your supplier's catalogue is not on the list of supported paper merchants, then call them and tell
them to get in touch with to get themselves included.
This program works in two phases.
The first step is to import
the data from whatever format your supplier has given you into a
common format for Printpak.
Having done that, you can then select papers from the catalogue, and transfer them into your
papers file. You probably wouldn't want them all!
N.B. Some suppliers' paper names can be a little unwieldy, and sometimes an identical papers
can have different names depending on the supplier, although they originate from the same mill.
For this reason we can assign our own names to papers, so that for instance "Superfine white
extra wove" from one supplier and "White acme wove" from another might both import into "Fine
white wove" in your paper file.
Lastly we must emphasize that the format in which the supplier supplies his data is specified by
the supplier himself, but he doesn't necessarily adhere to that format. If your import doesn't
manage to import anything, that is usually because he has supplied you with a file in the wrong
format. You should go back to him and ask him to check the format, and if necessary get him to
get in touch with us.