This screen is initiated by clicking the link at the top of the Options (on-line) window in the On-line
services part of the main desktop. It contains details of your company, for displaying on the
ID is allocated for you - contact support for this if you need to
Company name, address etc are self-evident
Grid code can be entered as 0 - it is a provision for a future development and not currently in-use.
Upload Logo allows you to upload a logo for your company, to be shown on the Internet at the
top right hand of the screen when your customers are on-line to you. This should be a jpg or png
file. The size and shape of this is not fixed, but larger images will take up more of the on-line
screen and can create problems. The base size and proportion recommended is 152 x 72 bits,
but you should experiment to get the best effect for your own company logo.