Block planning
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This is the block planning window.

In automatic mode, Printpak assumes that all images are aligned the same way.  Sometimes, especially in long runs, it is desirable to change this, and to define exactly how you want the plate laid out to maximize the use of the plate.  For example, two images side by side and a third horizontally across the top is not uncommon.  This is often referred to as 'stonehenging'.

If you switch to manual mode (using the toggle on the right hand side of the jobs desktop), you can achieve this.  In manual mode you can change the pages to view by hand in the press window, and then when you click OK  you will be be shown this window.  The reason you have to be in manual mode is that you don 't want your careful layout subsequently overwritten!

In this screen you can adjust the heights and widths to achieve maximum number to view, but it won 't let you exit unless your configuration will actually fit on the plate!  Printpak needs this information to calculate materials requirements.

Grip  (long side or short side, depending on the press):   By pinching the grip a little you can often make a big difference to the cost of the job by fitting more on the plate.

Cross margin (long side or short side, depending on the press): This is the extra margin (if any) you wish to leave on the plate edge at right angles to the grip.

Page heights and widths: In calculating paper sizes the system needs to know how you mean to print the job.  Using the gross page sizes you entered in the details window, how many job heights and widths go to make up the height (down the side of the plate) and the width (across it).